Little Women

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The unmissable story of four sisters whose father is fighting in the American Civil War. Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are the four March sisters, all very different, but always there for each other. With their father away in the American Civil War, they all have to work hard to help their mother. But there’s ...viac

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The unmissable story of four sisters whose father is fighting in the American Civil War. Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are the four March sisters, all very different, but always there for each other. With their father away in the American Civil War, they all have to work hard to help their mother. But there’s time for fun and games too with their friend, Laurie. Plays, a personal post-office, secret societies and even a bit of romance all help to fill their days while they grow up, hoping always for their father’s return.In this Reader you will find:S

  • Information about Louisa Alcott
  • CLIL History: The American Civil War
  • A section focusing on Little Women at the cinema, theatre, and on TV
  • Exit test
Stage 3 Intermediate - 1000 headwords - B1 *** Nevšedný príbeh štyroch sestier, ktorých otec bojuje v americkej občianskej vojne. Jo, Meg, Amy a Beth sú štyri marcové sestry, a hoci sú navzájom veľmi odlišné, vždy si pomáhajú. Keďže ich otec bojuje v občianskej vojne, musia tvrdo pracovať, aby pomohli matke. Nájdu si však čas aj na zábavu s priateľkou Laurie. Hry, súkromná poštová kancelária, tajné spolky a dokonca aj trochu romantiky vypĺňajú dni ich mladosti, pričom stále dúfajú v návrat otca.


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