The Woman in White

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The Woman in White is the first English ‘sensation novel’ full of mystery and dark secrets.After meeting a strange woman one night in London, Walter Hartright begins to realise that this mysterious woman is connected, in some way, to his new life at Limmeridge House and the woman he loves, Laura Fairlie. ...viac

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The Woman in White is the first English ‘sensation novel’ full of mystery and dark secrets.After meeting a strange woman one night in London, Walter Hartright begins to realise that this mysterious woman is connected, in some way, to his new life at Limmeridge House and the woman he loves, Laura Fairlie. The story is told through different characters, and soon we find Walter, Marian and Laura caught up in a frightening world of crime, madness and mistaken identity. Count Fosco with Sir Percival Glyde, will do anything to get their hands on Laura’s money and think up a terrible crime that could destroy her life forever.Syllabus:.Verb Tenses Present Perfect Simple Past; Perfect Simple; Verb Forms and Patterns; make/let + infinitive; Verb + object + infinitive (e.g. I want you to help); Reported speech with say, ask, tell. Phrasal verbs; had better Modal Verbs Can / could ; may/ might; should / ought to; must / have to; need / needn’t ; used to Clauses Time clauses introduced by when, while, until, before, after…; Clauses of purpose; First conditional; Second conditional; Clauses of concession.Stage 3 - Intermediate - 1000 headwords - B1 - Preliminary.


  • Táto kniha je prvý brilantný anglický román plný záhad a temných tajomstiev.
  • Keď jednej londýnskej noci stretne Walter Hartright tajomnú ženu, uvedomí si, že je nejakým zvláštnym spôsobom prepojená s jeho novým životom v Limmeridge House a s jeho milovanou Laurou Fairlieovou. Príbeh rozprávajú rôzne postavy, a tak sa čoskoro dozvieme, že Walter, Marian a Laura sú zamotaní do strašidelného sveta zločinu, šialenstva a zámeny identity. Gróf Fosco so sirom Percivalom Glydom urobia čokoľvek, aby sa dostali k Lauriným peniazom a zosnujú hrozný zločin, ktorý jej môže zničiť život.


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