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‘There’s daggers in men’s smiles’ (Act II, Sc. III) Tag Ambition Power.Macbeth is a brave general, loyal to King Duncan and to Scotland. Until, that is, he meets three evil witches after a battle against King Duncan’s enemies. They tell him that one day he, Macbeth, will be King of Scotland. This is ...viac

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‘There’s daggers in men’s smiles’ (Act II, Sc. III) Tag Ambition Power.Macbeth is a brave general, loyal to King Duncan and to Scotland. Until, that is, he meets three evil witches after a battle against King Duncan’s enemies. They tell him that one day he, Macbeth, will be King of Scotland. This is the beginning of a story of ambition and evil, involving him and his calculating wife, Lady Macbeth. What follows leads them to terrible violence, murder, madness and ultimately to their own destruction.In this Reader you will find:

  • Focus on…
  • PET-style activities
  • Glossary of difficult words
  • Exit Test
  • Comprehension activities
  • A section focussing on CLIL Physical Geography Scotland in the eleventh century.
Stage 3 - Young Adult ELI Readers - below B1.


  • Macbeth je odvážny generál, verný kráľovi Duncanovi a Škótsku. Po jednej bitke proti kráľovým nepriateľom stretne tri zlé čarodejnice. Tie mu povedia, že Macbeth bude jedného dňa kráľom Škótska. A tak sa začína príbeh ambícií a zla, ktorý zahŕňa hlavného hrdinu a jeho vypočítavú ženu, Laby Macbeth. Nasleduje strašné násilie, vraždenie, šialenstvo, a to vedie k sebadeštrukcii.
  • Tu v každom úsmeve sa skrýva meč (2. dejstvo, 3. scéna).


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