Alex Mlynárčik

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A comprehensive monograph on Alex Mlynarcik, an enigmatic Slovak artist, his life and artwork, home and abroad. The publication presents Mlynarcík´s works with rich visual material portraying his activities both in nature and inside, in Slovakia as well as abroad. His unforgettable works include The ...viac

Nejoblíbenější produkty v kategórií Malířství, grafika


A comprehensive monograph on Alex Mlynarcik, an enigmatic Slovak artist, his life and artwork, home and abroad. The publication presents Mlynarcík´s works with rich visual material portraying his activities both in nature and inside, in Slovakia as well as abroad. His unforgettable works include The Day of Delights, Eve´s wedding, as well as Kingdom Argilly, Juniáles. in collaboration with Pierre Restany - works that have always been, and remain, a tribute to the simple man. Key Points: - The artist Alex Mlynarcik is one of few Slovak artists who has influenced the evolution of European art. - The most precious moment in artist´s life was meeting with Pierre Restany, one of the world´s leading art critics, and this greatly influences his artworks. - He is a protagonist of the Slovak line of New Realism, where ordinary matters and actions are part of the artwork.


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