Dětský obrázkový atlas se základní anglickou slovní zásobou. Atlas je plný otvíracích okének, které skrývají krásné budovy, exotická zvířata nebo úža.
The candid and entertaining memoir "What They Teach You at Harvard Business School" by Philip Delves Broughton, author of "Life''''s a Pitch", is essential reading for anyone thinking that Harvard Business School is the place to sit out the recession. What do they teach you at Harvard Business School? ...
In 480 BC, Xerxes, the King of Persia, led an invasion of mainland Greece. Its success should have been a formality. For seventy years, victory - rapid, spectacular victory - had seemed the birthright of the Persian Empire. In the space of a single generation, they had swept across the Near East, shattering ...
The classic work by one of the founding fathers of consciousness research A pioneering and revolutionary book that lays the foundation for a radical new psychology, based on an expanded cartography of the human unconsciousness. Famous for his lifelong research into psychedelic drugs, Dr. Grof constructs ...
světová literatura v anglickém překladu - dílo Haruki Murakami vypráví příběh dvou dávných spolužáků Aomame a Tenga, ona je geniální fyzioterapeutka, on vynikající matematik se spisovatelským talentem. Ti dva se celých dvacet let neviděli, v hloubi duše ale nepřestávají myslet jeden na druhého. Oni sami ...
The prize-winning debut novel by the author of Before the Feast Aleksandar is Comrade-in-Chief of fishing, the best magician in the non-aligned States and painter of unfinished things. He knows the first chapter of Marx\''s Das Kapital by heart but spends most of his time playing football in the Bosnian ...
Over the centuries the Middle East has confounded the dreams of conquerors and peacemakers alike. This now-classic book, fully updated to 2009, follows the historic struggles of the region over the last two hundred years, from Napoleon’s assault on Egypt, through the slow decline and fall of the Ottoman ...
This delightful and engaging introduction to the history of art for children comes in a beautiful oversized format and features intricate illustrations with hidden details. Children love to pore over detailed illustrations, especially when they contain hidden elements for them to find. This endlessly ...