Praktická kniha pro ty, co chtějí mít doma uklizeno s vynalézavostí a stylem.
This is the bible of breakthroughs and inspiration in the design of the 20th century. Poised at the start of the 21st century, we can see clearly that the previous century was marked by momentous changes in the field of design. Aesthetics entered into everyday life with often staggering results. Our ...
This TASCHEN 25 Edition rounds up some of today''s most exceptional and inspiring interiors on six continents. Making stops in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, the painstakingly chosen and sumptuously photographed selection of 100 interiors represents a global spectrum of ...
Bilingvní katalog Ateliéru textilní tvorby UMPRUM obsahuje výběr prací studentů z let 2012–2016. Představuje materiálové experimenty, které se vymykají obvyklému vnímání textilu. Studenti zpracovali návrhy pro různé oblasti textilního designu, plošného i prostorového charakteru, ve kterých se textil ...
Effective layout is essential to communication and enables the end user to not only be drawn in with an innovative design, but to digest information easily. Making and Breaking the Grid is a comprehensive layout design workshop that assumes that in order to effectively break the rules of grid-based design, ...
Created in collaboration with MoHen Studio in Hong Kong, this volume is the definitive selection of the most impressive architecture and interior design works in Asia. MoHen Design International is a network of inventive, integrated teams crafting superior architecture and design solutions for clients ...
This book shows the transformation of an existing apartment with problems into a new, open floor space that satisfies the needs of the owners. The book presents the transformation of this space through full colour and b & w images and drawings of the \''before and after\''. A description of the project, ...
Eugeni Pons is one of the most internationally renowned architecture photographers nowadays. Following his first bestselling title,The Interiors Book (Hyde Park Editions, 2015, ISBN 9788499368542), this new illustrated volume presents an astonishing selection of his photographs from some of the most ...
Scanning the world for the best new graphic design talent, Mike Dorrian and Liz Farrelly have collated the work of 100 new designers, from Sao Paulo to Tokyo, Melbourne to Los Angeles, into a book that will both inspire and impress. The book focuses on practitioners still in the first decade of their ...
Jedno z nejvýznamnějších evropských grafických studií založené ve Frankfurtu je sítí pro spolupráci a experimenty v grafice na nejvyšší úrovni. Hort, the German word for an after school center for kids, is also one of Europe’s most innovative design studios. True to its name, the Frankfurt-based company ...
The Super Fashion Designer is a visual guide of business practicing in the fashion industry. It applies beautiful graphic illustration to transform the complex theory into interesting read. The book provides a better understanding of the real world of fashion, from how to predict fabric usage to reading ...
The projects in this book convey the ingenuity and skill of architects and designers who create interesting but smaller-sized living environments. These spaces suggest urban lifestyles which, while not typical, seek to maintain basic standards of quality and comfort. The designs of these environments ...
Publikácia Fonts SK mapuje tvorbu digitálneho písma na Slovensku a zameriava sa na reflexiu písmarskej tvorby vytvorenej v lokálnom kontexte, ako aj tvorbu domácich autorov tvoriacich v zahraničí. Popisuje časový záber od pionierskych začiatkov v deväťdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia až po súčasnosť. ...
Not just another book about toys, Toygiants is simply stunning photographic exploration of toy figures, vintage and modern. Toygiants shows in exquisite detail the elements of design that imbue toys and figures with life and contribute to their timeless appeal, as well as their eerie realism, by photographing ...
Following on the success of The Bike Book, E-Bike Revolution takes us inside all aspects of this growing phenomenon - from smart technology and advanced design to the top visual trends. With power, distance and speed, these handy vehicles will soon change urban mobility forever. As well as sports and ...
The cutaway illustrations in this book allow our eyes to see what usually remains hidden. They open up houses, bodies, and objects, and allow the individual parts to comprehensively explain the whole. Looking at the outside of things such as architecture, anatomy, or vehicles does not usually reveal ...
The life of Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926) was full of complexity and contradictions. As a young man he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life he devoted himself completely to the construction of one single spectacular church, La Sagrada Familia. ...
This stylish volume takes us high into the exclusive world of mountain chalets. These are sanctuaries from the over-scheduled and chaotic world below. Their interiors offer a welcoming and cozy space to relax or socialize after winter sports or alpine strolls. Most notable perhaps is the role landscape ...