Take a culinary journey through the fantastical world of The Witcher with thoughtfully imagined, flavorful recipes inspired by The Witcher's expansive settings, characters, and lore. In this beautifully photographed cookbook, Anita Sarna and Karolina Krupecka, the creators of fan-favorite food blogs ...
Dekorování stolu již není pouze synonymem kytice ve váze. Kniha obsahuje potřebné informace, možnosti tvorby a techniky pro vytvoření dokonalé dekorace. Praktickými příklady přizdobíte slavností tabule, prezenční stoly, recepce, pult i domácnost. Využijte vlastní kreativitu v jedné z nejkrásnějších disciplín ...
Celebrate Christmas like Harry, Ron, and Hermione with over 50 recipes inspired by festive celebrations in the Harry Potter films! Filled with ideas to inspire feasts for every occasion, this cookbook includes recipes ranging from Professor Sprout's Superior Sprouts; Weasley Sweater Focaccia; and the ...
Domácí recepty z farmy Připraveno s láskou Cosima Bellersen Quirini Jak si připravit z vlastních surovin domácí salám, sýr či upéct chleba nebo zpracovat úrodu ovoce a zeleniny? Provozujete agroturistiku a chcete nabídnout něco nového pro své klienty? V této publikaci naleznete spoustu receptů a netradičních ...
Flavour-forward, vegetable-based recipes are at the heart of Yotam Ottolenghi''s food. In this stunning new cookbook Yotam and co-writer Ixta Belfrage break down the three factors that create flavour and offer innovative vegetable dishes that deliver brand-new ingredient combinations to excite and inspire. ...
The Sunday Times and New York Times Bestseller ''There''s nothing like a perfectly light sponge flavoured with spices and citrus or an icing-sugar-dusted cookie to raise the spirits and create a moment of pure joy.'' In his stunning new baking and desserts cookbook Yotam Ottolenghi and his long-time ...
Představujeme vám rozsáhlého průvodce světem whisky od oceňovaného autora, Dava Brooma. Nečekejte žádné suché analýzy palíren nebo značek. Dave vás provede světem whisky, palíren, chutí a vůní tohoto úžasného nápoje tak, že budete mít pocit, že jste přímo na místě. Objevte svět i příběhy palíren a whisky ...
Believe it or not, Japanese cuisine in general is actually quite vegan-friendly, and many dishes can be made vegan with just a simple substitution or two. You can enjoy the same big, bold, salty-sweet-spicy-rich-umami recipes of modern Japanese soul food without so much as glancing down the meat and ...
The latest cookbook from the award-winning author of POLPO Russell Norman returns to Venice - the city that inspired POLPO - to immerse himself in the authentic flavours of the Veneto and the culinary traditions of the city. His rustic kitchen - in the residential quarter of the city where washing hangs ...